Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm Back and Ready for 2011

I have been away reinventing who I am. I guess you can say 'Soul Searching' and fulfilling that empty void in my life. I can say a lot of things have happened during this time off. I got engaged, holidayed, lost a loved one and laughed and cried. But all which I can say has shaped who I am today.

Of course Fashion is still such a HUGE part of my life. I work in fashion and I live and breathe it. My love for vintage classic pieces has lead me to start my own vintage store 'With Love'. This way I can share what I find with you. (

I do not believe in forcing yourself to make New Year's resolutions that end up being broken in a day or two as they are so unrealistic. I do however, believe in the power to dream, love, laugh, cry and of course express yourself with in fashion.

This year will be life changing and I can not wait to share it with you!

So cheers to 2011!

peace, love and fashion



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